Thursday, January 31, 2013

Vocabulary 1

RACC-AAMU 2013 Vocabulary: 1 1. Capriciously 2. Iconic 3. Chthonian 4. Amorphous 5. Penultimate 6. Malevolent 7. Anonymity 8. Ignominies 9. Internecine 10. Chimera


  1. 1. Capriciously- governed by impulse.
    2. Iconic- having the characteristics of an icon.
    3. Chthonian- relating to the underworld.
    4. Amorphous- being without definite nature or form.
    5. Penultimate- the next to the last.
    6. Malevolent- productive of harm of evil.
    7. Anonymity- of unknown authorship or origin.
    8. Ignominies- deep or personal humiliation
    9. internecine- marked by mutually destructive violence.
    10. Chimera-an illusion or fabrication of the mind

  2. 1. Capriciously: subject to or indicative of a sudden change
    2. Iconic: of or pertaining to an icon
    3. Chthonian: pertaining to deities, spirits, tcs. under the earth
    4. Amorphous: lacking definite form
    5. Penultimate: next to the last
    6. Malevolent: wishing evil or harm to another or others
    7. Anonymity: state or quality of being anonymous
    8. Ignominies: disgrace; dishonor; public contempt
    9. Internecine: pertaining to conflict or struggle with a group
    10.Chimera: horrible or unreal creature of the imagination

  3. 1. Capriciously: Subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable
    2. Iconic: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an icon
    3. Chthonian: Pertaining to the deities, spirits, and other beings dwelling under the earth.
    4. Amorphous: Having no specific shape; formless
    5. Penultimate: Next to the last
    6. Malevolent: Wishing evil or harm to another or others
    7. Anonymity: The state or quality of being anonymous
    8. Ignominies: Disgrace, dishonor. Or shameful conduct
    9. Internecine: Pertaining to conflict or struggle within a group
    10. Chimera: Horrible, mythological or unreal creature

  4. 1. Capriciously: subject to or indicative of a sudden change
    2. Iconic: of or pertaining to an icon
    3. Chthonian: pertaining to deities, spirits, tcs. under the earth
    4. Amorphous: lacking definite form
    5. Penultimate: next to the last
    6. Malevolent: wishing evil or harm to another or others
    7. Anonymity: state or quality of being anonymous
    8. Ignominies: disgrace; dishonor; public contempt
    9. Internecine: pertaining to conflict or struggle within a group
    10.Chimera: horrible or unreal creature of the imagination
